We have assembled some misc. utility methods that make unit testing easier to support our UIMA-based project ClearTK. I have come across several scenarios now where I wish that this code was available as a separate project so that I don't have to create a dependency on our entire ClearTK project when I only need a few utility classes for writing unit tests. So, I am thinking about spinning off a separate project that just has this unit-test specific code in it. There really isn't that much code there (I think it's all shoved into one class at the moment) and would really be just a seed for getting something started. One thing the code does is simplify initialization of UIMA components programmatically such that you don't have to use descriptor files in your unit tests. A unit test might start with something like:

AnalysisEngine engine = TestsUtil.getAnalysisEngine(MyAnnotator.class, TestsUtil.getTypeSystem(Document.class, Token.class, Sentence.class));
JCas jCas = engine.newJCas();

and then you can go about populating the JCas and testing its contents.
The current code is located here:


Some example unit tests based on this code can be found here:


Is this something that is of interest? Is there already code in UIMA that helps with this sort of thing?

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