> Dear Jeff,
> Jeff Black wrote:
> >
> > I place the following scripts in z:\scripts\
> >
> > ftp://www.hansonsystems.com/unattended/Start_Apps_Only_Install.bat
> > ftp://www.hansonsystems.com/unattended/AppsOnly_Set1.bat
> >
> I can't connect to your server to get the two files, would you mind email attaching 
> them to me
> personnaly? Thanks in advance.
> Or alternatively, since they are text batch files, maybe you could post them to the 
> list as text
> in
> the body of emails, I am relatively sure more than than just one or two are 
> interested in this?
> Best Regards,
> Urs Rau
Oops, fixed.



Keep in mind that the user you are currently logged in with will need the ability to 
map a drive to
\\ntinstall\install (or whatever share you change "Start_Apps_Only_Install.bat" to 
point to. You
will most likely also want to be a local administrator on the machine in question, I 
assume you are
using this to install applications and/or os patches and it is increasingly difficult 
to do that as
a Restricted User ;(

Any help I can get cleaning these up even more so they can be included in the base 
distribution would be appreciated.


Begin "Start_Apps_Only_Install.bat"
@Echo off
for %%a in ( c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ) do if exist 
set z=%%a:
if "%z%"=="" goto :unc
if not "%z%"=="" goto :drive

:: Can we get Z_PATH from DHCP if option 233 is set Instead of hard coding it here?

set Z_PATH=\\ntinstall\install

%Z_PATH%\bin\mapznrun.bat %Z_PATH%\scripts\AppsOnly_Set1.bat
goto :end

%Z%\bin\mapznrun.bat %z%\scripts\AppsOnly_Set1.bat

End "Start_Apps_Only_Install.bat"

Begin "AppsOnly_Set1.bat"
@Echo off
:: Disclamer:
:: ---------- 
:: This script should be run under a local administrator account. If you choose to run 
under any
:: user, good luck :) My reasoning is simple, many applications and (all?) Windows 
security updates
require you 
:: have file and registry permissions to add them to a machine. This script does NO 
user rights
checking at all.
:: feel free to fix that for me :)
::  Modifying the path is necessary becuase we want to use todo.pl without having to 
specify z:\bin
set path=%z%\bin;%path%
::  Setup netinst directory on c: to hold the todo.txt and the log files for this 
if not exist c:\netinst\nul md c:\netinst\
if not exist c:\netinst\logs\nul md c:\netinst\logs\
if not exist c:\netinst\mapznrun.bat copy %z%\mapznrun.bat c:\netinst\

::  install perl, it might not be installed yet
call %z%\scripts\perl.bat
::  remember the todo.pl lines are adding lines one by one to c:\netinst\todo.txt
::  and will actually be executed in the reverse order that they are added. 
::  Last first, first last.
:: Uncomment Lines as necessary
::             Cleanup Section
todo.pl .reboot
todo.pl "srconfig.pl --enable"
todo.pl "autolog.pl --logon=0"
::     Application and Patches Section
:: Uncomment some lines below to install the application
:: or add your own script. see z:\scripts\ for more information 
:: and more scripts
:: Open Office - www.openoffice.org
::todo.pl officeop.bat
:: Microsoft Office XP - www.microsoft.com
::todo.pl officexp.bat
:: Cygwin - UNIX API and UTILS for Win32 - www.cygwin.com
::todo.pl cygwin.bat
:: Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.X - www.adobe.com
::todo.pl adobe-reader.bat
:: WinZip - www.winzip.com
::todo.pl winzip.bat
:: TightVNC - www.ultravnc.com
::todo.pl ultravnc.bat
:: Daemon-Tools - www.daemon-tools.cc
::todo.pl d-tools.bat
:: 7-Zip
::todo.pl 7-zip.bat
::    Prepre for unattended Section
:: disable system restore
todo.pl "srconfig.pl --disable"
:: enable auto logon
todo.pl "autolog.pl --logon=1"
::         Start Unattended
@Echo Tasks Added to the todo.txt list
@Echo Starting unattended...
todo.pl --go

End "AppsOnly_Set1.bat"

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