Hi Matthias,

To be honest I work professionally with Maya and I am a LightWave 3D user
as well, among the others.

My question was more about having another tool in my belt, given the very
low price tag of Realsoft and given the even lower one if upgrading from my

Are there massive improvements and new features that differentiate v5 from
v7 for instance?

Plus, despite the lack of communication about development, is Realsoft 3D
still a valid software compared to others?

There you go, I have explained myself better I hope! :-D

If it's worth for what I have just asked, then I might be getting v7. In
the end I am still very attached to the software, me being an old Amiga
user! :-D

On 19 May 2017 at 07:10, Matthias Kappenberg <m...@the-dimension.com> wrote:

> Hi Mauro,
> worth for what on the other side?
> In my opinion, you should ask at Realsoft
> if there is any further development.
> If yes, and if you do not need it in a pipeline:
> Then give it a try.
> If not.... sorry to say this:
> Look around for something else.
> Maybe: https://sidefx.com/products/houdini-indie/
> Beste regards,
> Matthias
> Am 18.05.2017 um 21:42 schrieb Mauro Sanna:
>> Hi guys,
>> I ma glad that the list is still alive in a way!
>> I would like to ask a question.
>> I still have Realsoft 3D V5 and I was wondering if buying the license
>> for version 7 could be worth?
>> Thank you very much in advance!
>> Mauro
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*Mauro Sanna*

*Digital Artist - Graphic Designer - 3D Artist*

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