Hey all,

I've read the memory docs <https://arrow.apache.org/docs/java/memory.html> a
couple of times but I still have a few questions. Maybe the answers to some
of this might be good addons to the docs.

We currently have a single RootAllocator that we use everywhere, and we see
our memory usage on the system slowly grow until it's almost 100% and stays
there (although we don't see any OOM errors). The JVM immediately allocates
the bulk of the memory, and my understanding is the rest is just the
RootAllocator slowly allocating more direct memory as needed but never
releasing it since it can just reuse memory that has previously been
allocated but is no longer in use.

System memory usage
Is my understanding above correct? Does the RootAllocator just continue to
take up direct memory until it reaches max system memory, max direct buffer
memory, or max memory allowed for the RootAllocator (whichever comes first)?

 It is the responsibility of the application owning a particular allocator
> to frequently confirm whether the allocator is over its memory limit
> (BufferAllocator.isOverLimit()) and if so, attempt to aggressively release
> memory to ameliorate the situation.

Does this also apply to the RootAllocator? How exactly do we release
memory? I see `releaseBytes` as the only related method on an allocator,
but how would we know how many bytes we can release at a given time?

Child allocator life span
The docs explain the purpose of child allocators pretty well, but they
don't really mention much about recommended best practices. Looking at the
project, it seems most child allocators are used for the lifespan of a
class, although some instances (ArrowFlightSqlClientHandler and
VectorSchemaRootTransformer for example) don't even seem to ever close the
child allocator.

Is creating and closing a child allocator an expensive operation? would it
make sense to create a child allocator just for the span of a method call
and close it when you're done?

Any other info regarding best practices around BufferAllocators or issues
to look out for would be greatly appreciated!

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