Hey folks,

I'm working with the PyArrow API for Tables and RecordBatches. And I'm
trying to chunk a Table into a list of RecordBatches each with a default
chunk size. For example, 10 GB into several 512MB chunks.

I'm having a hard time doing this using the existing API. The
Table.to_batches method has an optional parameter `max_chunksize` which is
documented as "Maximum size for RecordBatch chunks. Individual chunks may
be smaller depending on the chunk layout of individual columns." It seems
exactly like what I want but I've run into a couple of edge cases.

Edge case 1, Table created using many RecordBatches
pylist = [{'n_legs': 2, 'animals': 'Flamingo'},
          {'n_legs': 4, 'animals': 'Dog'}]
pylist_tbl = pa.Table.from_pylist(pylist)
# pylist_tbl.nbytes
# > 35
multiplier = 2048
bigger_pylist_tbl = pa.Table.from_batches(example_tbl.to_batches() *
# bigger_pylist_tbl.nbytes
# 591872 / 578.00 KB

target_batch_size = 512 * 1024 * 1024  # 512 MB
# > 2048
# expected, 1 RecordBatch

Edge case 2, really big Table with 1 RecordBatch
# file already saved on disk
with pa.memory_map('table_10000000.arrow', 'r') as source:
    huge_arrow_tbl = pa.ipc.open_file(source).read_all()

# 7188263146 / 6.69 GB
# 10_000_000

target_batch_size = 512 * 1024 * 1024  # 512 MB
# > 1
# expected (6.69 GB // 512 MB) + 1 RecordBatches

I'm currently exploring the underlying implementation for to_batches
 and TableBatchReader::ReadNext
Please let me know if anyone knows a canonical way to satisfy the chunking
behavior described above.


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