Thanks for the details that helps us understand the situation.  I’m pretty sure 
you’ve exceed the working capacity of some of those nodes.  Going over 50% - 
75% depending on compaction strategy is ill-advised.


You need to clear out as much room as possible to add more nodes.  Are the 
tombstones clearing out.  Are there old snap shots that you can delete.  And so 
on.  You have to make more room on the existing nodes.



Sent: Friday, February 08, 2019 6:16 AM
Subject: Re: Bootstrap keeps failing


On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 10:11 PM Kenneth Brotman <> 

Lots of things come to mind. We need more information from you to help us 

How long have you had your cluster running?

A bit more than a year old. But it has been constantly growing (3 nodes to 6 
nodes to 12 nodes, etc).

We have a replication_factor of 3 on all keyspaces and 3 racks with an equal 
amount of nodes. 


Is it generally working ok?

Works fine. Good performance, repairs managed by cassandra-reaper.


Is it just one node that is misbehaving at a time?

We only bootstrap nodes one at a time. Sometimes it works flawlessly, sometimes 
it fails. When it fails it tends to fail a lot in a row before we manage to get 
it bootstrapped. 


How many nodes do you need to replace?

I am adding nodes, not replacing any. Our nodes are starting to get very full 
and we wish to add at least 6 more nodes (short-term).

Adding a new node is quite slow (48 to 72 hours) and that's when the boostrap 
process works at the first try.


Are you doing rolling restarts instead of simultaneously?



Do you have enough capacity on your machines?  Did you say some of the nodes 
are at 90% capacity?

The free disk space left fluctuates but is generally between 80% and 90%, this 
is why we are planning to add a lot more nodes. 


When did this problem begin?

 Not sure about this one. Probably since our nodes have more than 2to data, I 
don't remember it being an issue when our nodes were smaller.


Could something be causing a racing condition?

We have schema changes every day. 

We have temporary data stored in cassandra, only used for 6 days then 


In order to avoid tombstones we have a table rotation, every day we create a 
new table to contain the data for the next day, and we drop the oldest 
temporary table.


This means that when the node starts to bootstrap it will ask other nodes for 
data that will almost certainly be dropped before the boostrap process is 


Did you recheck the commands you used to make sure they are correct?

What procedure do you use?


Our procedure is :

1.      We install cassandra on a brand new instance (debian).
2.      We install cassandra.
3.      We stop the default cassandra (launched by the debian package).
4.      We empty these directories :
5.      We put our configuration in place of the default one.
6.      We start the cassandra.

If after 3 days we see that the node hasn't joined the cluster we check the 
`nodetool netstats` command to see if the node is still streaming data. If it 
is not we launch `nodetool bootstrap resume` on the instance.


Thank you for you interest in our issue !







Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2019 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Bootstrap keeps failing


Thank you for the recommendation. 


We are already using datastax's recommended settings for tcp_keepalive






On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 5:49 PM Durity, Sean R <> 

I have seen unreliable streaming (streaming that doesn’t finish) because of TCP 
timeouts from firewalls or switches. The default tcp_keepalive kernel 
parameters are usually not tuned for that. See
 for more details. These “remote” timeouts are difficult to detect or prove if 
you don’t have access to the intermediate network equipment.


Sean Durity

From: Léo FERLIN SUTTON <lferlin@mailjet.comINVALID> 
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2019 10:26 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Bootstrap keeps failing


Hello ! 

Thank you for your answers.


So I have tried, multiple times, to start bootstrapping from scratch. I often 
have the same problem (on other nodes as well) but sometimes it works and I can 
move on to another node.


I have joined a jstack dump and some logs.


Our node was shut down at around 97% disk space used

I turned it back on and it starting the bootstrap process again. 


The log file is the log from this attempt, same for the thread dump.


Small warning, I have somewhat anonymised the log files so there may be some 






On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 8:13 AM 
< <mailto:dinesh.joshi@yahoocom.invalid> > wrote:

Would it be possible for you to take a thread dump & logs and share them?





On Wednesday, February 6, 2019, 10:09:11 AM PST, Léo FERLIN SUTTON 
<> wrote: 



Hello !


I am having a recurrent problem when trying to bootstrap a few new nodes.


Some general info : 

*       I am running cassandra 3.0.17
*       We have about 30 nodes in our cluster
*       All healthy nodes have between 60% to 90% used disk space on 

So I create a new node and let auto_bootstrap do it's job. After a few days the 
bootstrapping node stops streaming new data but is still not a member of the 


`nodetool status` says the node is still joining, 


When this happens I run `nodetool bootstrap resume`. This usually ends up in 
two different ways :

1.      The node fills up to 100% disk space and crashes.
2.      The bootstrap resume finishes with errors

When I look at `nodetool netstats -H` is  looks like `bootstrap resume` does 
not resume but restarts a full transfer of every data from every node.


This is the output I get from `nodetool resume` :

[2019-02-06 01:39:14,369] received file 
 (progress: 2113%)

[2019-02-06 01:39:16,821] received file 
 (progress: 2113%)

[2019-02-06 01:39:17,003] received file 
 (progress: 2113%)

[2019-02-06 01:39:17,032] session with /10.16.XX.YYY complete (progress: 2113%)

[2019-02-06 01:41:15,160] received file 
 (progress: 2113%)

[2019-02-06 01:42:02,864] received file 
 (progress: 2113%)

[2019-02-06 01:42:09,284] received file 
 (progress: 2113%)

[2019-02-06 01:42:10,522] received file 
 (progress: 2113%)

[2019-02-06 01:42:10,622] received file 
 (progress: 2113%)

[2019-02-06 01:42:11,925] received file 
 (progress: 2114%)

[2019-02-06 01:42:14,887] received file 
 (progress: 2114%)

[2019-02-06 01:42:14,980] session with /10.16.XX.ZZZ complete (progress: 2114%)

[2019-02-06 01:42:14,980] Stream failed

[2019-02-06 01:42:14,982] Error during bootstrap: Stream failed

[2019-02-06 01:42:14,982] Resume bootstrap complete


The bootstrap `progress` goes way over 100% and eventually fails.



Right now I have a node with this output from `nodetool status` : 

`UJ  10.16.XX.YYY  2.93 TB    256          ?                 
5788f061-a3c0-46af-b712-ebeecd397bf7  c`


It is almost filled with data, yet if I look at `nodetool netstats` :

        Receiving 480 files, 325.39 GB total. Already received 5 files, 68.32 
MB total
        Receiving 499 files, 328.96 GB total. Already received 1 files, 1.32 GB 
        Receiving 506 files, 345.33 GB total. Already received 6 files, 24.19 
MB total
        Receiving 362 files, 206.73 GB total. Already received 7 files, 34 MB 
        Receiving 424 files, 281.25 GB total. Already received 1 files, 1.3 GB 
        Receiving 581 files, 349.26 GB total. Already received 8 files, 45.96 
MB total
        Receiving 443 files, 337.26 GB total. Already received 6 files, 96.15 
MB total
        Receiving 424 files, 275.23 GB total. Already received 5 files, 42.67 
MB total


It is trying to pull all the data again.


Am I missing something about the way `nodetool bootstrap resume` is supposed to 
be used ?








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