Hi Kiril,

On 12/07/2020 15:43, Kiril Stankov wrote:
I see that some topics on the list are not in the github discussions and
vice versa?

Shall we all consider the mailing list obsolete and move to github?

Not at all. We're currently in early, closed beta testing of the GitHub Discussions functionality. So far, we're happy with it, but there's no telling what will happen.

It's been pretty popular, though, as you can see.
Is there a way to get summaries from github or other kind of
notifications by email?

The intent is that, once GitHub releases webhook functionality for Discussions, we'll have at least unidirectional integration of GH Discussion posts mirrored to this mailing list. They've indicated this won't happen prior to the public beta launch, and possibly not before the feature is out of beta.

It's unclear yet whether we'll be able to enable posting to GH Discussions back from replies on the mailing list, but it's something under review and has been requested from GitHub development and ASF Infra.

-Joan "tempus fugit" Touzet

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