
I have some questions to aggregate functions such as max or min. Take the 
following example:

//create Stream with event time where Data contains an ID, a timestamp and a 
temperature value

DataStream<Data> oneStream = env.fromElements(

        new Data(123, new Date(116, 8,8,11,11,11), 5),

        new Data(124, new Date(116, 8,8,12,10,11), 8),

        new Data(125, new Date(116, 8,8,12,12,11), 10),

        new Data(126, new Date(116, 8,8,12,15,11), 2))

.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new AscendingTimestampExtractor<Data>() {
    public long extractAscendingTimestamp(final Data data) {
        return data.getTimestamp().getTime();

//calluclate max value of temperature per hour

DataStream<Data> maxStream = WatermarkStream




Here are the questions I ran into:

1.)    Why does the resulting stream "maxStream" have to be of type Data? From 
the documentation and the difference to maxBy I would expect the resulting 
stream to be of type Integer?

2.)    Executing the code as it is above, I would expect the printed result be 
the data with ID 124 and ID 125. However, the execution prints all 4 data sets. 
Did I totally get this example wrong? How would the code need  to look, to get 
the expected result?

3.)    Can you point me to a good example for using time windows and 
aggregates? I couldn't find one that explains the above questions.

Thanks for your help and best wishes,

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