
I sent the message below to Jim Dixon on Friday, but have not yet
received a reply.  I am resending the message to this list in order to
reach a larger audience.



I want to use XInclude with Forrest 0.8.  My Forrest site was created
(seeded) with Forrest 0.7, then later upgraded to Forrest 0.8.

I found your post:

This post is from before Forrest 0.8 was released.

I am trying to use your DTD file from this post, but Forrest fails to
validate your DTD file:

The attribute name must be specified in the attribute-list declaration
for element "document".

I added a comment (2 lines) and a blank line to the top of
document-v20-jd.dtd, so line 4 of my file is line 1 of the file in
your post.

How can I get Forrest 0.8 to validate document-v20-jd.dtd?

I do not know too much about SGML and XML, so I am hoping you can help me.
