
People on this list have mentioned creating Guacamole RDP RemoteApp connections 
using a browser such as Firefox in Kiosk mode to allow for "web links" within 
the Guacamole platform.

I'm having issues with my ||RemoteApp call, and I'm wondering if anyone has 
already dealt with this problem.

I'm calling firefox with -no-remote -private --kiosk URL (I can leave the first 
two out and I still get the same behavior).

The first time I call it with a given RDP user login, no problem.

Since I don't know how to close the browser in kiosk mode, I simply disconnect 
by pressing the X on the small window within Guacamole (obviously the RDP 
session and Firfox are still running).

Now, if I connect to another RemoteApp that calls either Firefox or another 
browser on the same host, it does not open the "new URL" of the second 
RemoteApp. Instead, I reconnect to the previous RemoteApp (I see Firefox in 
kiosk mode with the first URL).

I need to kill/close the Windows RDP session for that user in order for the 
second RemoteApp to work and open the right URL.

How do other people solve this?

BTW, I don't have admin access to the content of the URL the first RemoteApp 
opens, so I cannot add things like javascript:winodw.close() or the likes.

Vieri Jerome

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