
I would like to filtering rows that contain specific value at specific
{family, qualifier}.

For example, if my table contains the following lines, the cells are of the
form {fam, qual, val}

Row 1 : {"fam-1", "col0", "val1"}, {"fam-1", "col1", "val11"}
Row 2 : {"fam-1", "col0", "val11"}, {"fam-1", "col1", "val21"}

I would like a filter that for the constraint
{"fam-1", "col0", "val1"} returns only Row1

and for the filter
{"fam-1", "col0", "val11"} returns Row1 and Row2

I thought using the ValueFilter , but it does not give the ability to add
constraint also on {fam, qual}



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