may be you can share your table ddl, your query and what output r u looking

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 12:26 PM, Mohit Durgapal <>wrote:

> I have a hive table partitioned by dates. It contains ecomm data in the
> format siteid,sitecatid,catid,subcatgid,pid,pname,pprice,pmrp,pdesc....
> What I need to do is to run a query on table above in hive for top 10
> products(count wise) in each sub category. What adds a bit more complexity
> is that I need all the information of the product. Now when I do group by
> with only subcatg,pid, I can only select the same fields. But I want all
> the data for that product coming in the same row as subcatg & prodid like
> prodname, proddesc,price, mrp,imageurl. And since some information like
> price & proddesc of a product keep on changing I want to pick the latest
> column values(according to a date field) for a pid if we are able to do a
> group by on subcatg,pid.
> I am not able to find a solution to my problem in hive. Any help would be
> much appreciated.
> Regards
> Mohit

Nitin Pawar

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