I think you can just take a look at jsonserde

It does take care of nested json documents. (though you will need to know
entire json structure upfront)

Here is example of using it

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Christian Link <christian.l...@mdmp.com>

> Hi Jerome,
> thanks...I've already found "Brickhouse" and the Hive UDFs, but it didn't
> help.
> Today I'll try again to process the json file after going through all my
> mails...maybe I'll find a solution.
> Best,
> Chris
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 7:16 PM, Jerome Banks <jba...@tagged.com> wrote:
>> Christian,
>>    Sorry to spam this newsgroup, and this is not a commercial
>> endorsement, but check out the Hive UDFs in the Brickhouse project (
>> http://github.com/klout/brickhouse ) (
>> http://brickhouseconfessions.wordpress.com/2014/02/07/hive-and-json-made-simple/
>> )
>> You can convert arbitrary complex Hive structures to an from json with
>> it's to_json and from_json UDF's. See the blog posting for an explanation.
>> -- jerome
>> On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Christian Link <christian.l...@mdmp.com>
>> wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> I'm very, very new to Hadoop, Hive, etc. and I have to import data into
>>> hive tables.
>>> Environment: Amazon EMR, S3, etc.
>>> The input file is on S3 and I copied it into my HDFS.
>>> 1. flat table with one column and loaded data into it:
>>>   CREATE TABLE mdmp_raw_data (json_record STRING);
>>>   LOAD DATA INPATH 'hdfs:///input-api/1403181319.json' OVERWRITE INTO
>>> TABLE `mdmp_raw_data`;
>>> That worked, I can access some data, like this:
>>> SELECT d.carrier, d.language, d.country
>>>   FROM mdmp_raw_data a LATERAL VIEW json_tuple(a.data,
>>> 'requestTimestamp', 'context') b    AS requestTimestamp, context
>>>   LATERAL VIEW json_tuple(b.context, 'locale') c AS locale
>>>   LATERAL VIEW json_tuple(c.locale, 'carrier', 'language', 'country') d
>>> AS carrier, language, country
>>>   LIMIT 1;
>>> Result: o2 - de Deutsch Deutschland
>>> I can also select the array at once:
>>> SELECT b.requestTimestamp, b.batch
>>>   FROM mdmp_raw_data a
>>>   LATERAL VIEW json_tuple(a.data, 'requestTimestamp', 'batch') b AS
>>> requestTimestamp, batch
>>>   LIMIT 1;
>>> This will give me:
>>> [{"timestamp":"2014-06-19T14:25:18+02:00","requestId":"2ca08247-5542-4cb4-be7e-4a8574fb77a8","sessionId":"f29ec175ca6b7d10","event":"TEST
>>> Doge
>>> Comments","userId":"doge96514016ruffruff","action":"track","context":{"library":"analytics-android","libraryVersion":"0.6.13"},"properties":{"comment":"Much
>>> joy."}}, ...]
>>> This "batch" may contain n events will a structure like above.
>>> I want to put all events in a table where each "element" will be stored
>>> in a unique column: timestamp, requestId, sessionId, event, userId, action,
>>> context, properties
>>> 2. explode the "batch" I read a lot about SerDe, etc. - but I don't get
>>> it.
>>> - I tried to create a table with an array and load the data into it -
>>> several errors
>>> use explode in query but it doesn't accept "batch" as array
>>> - integrated several SerDes but get things like "unknown function jspilt"
>>> - I'm lost in too many documents, howtos, etc. and could need some
>>> advices...
>>> Thank you in advance!
>>> Best, Chris

Nitin Pawar

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