If you can optionally add hadoop home directory in the script and use that
in path, it can be used out of the box.

Also can you share this on github

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Devopam Mittra <devo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi All,
> Please find attached a simple shell script to dynamically determine the
> active namenode in the HA Cluster and subsequently run the Hive job / query
> via Talend OS generated workflows.
> It was tried successfully on a HDP2.1 cluster with 2 nn, 7 dn running on
> CentOS 6.5.
> Each ETL job invokes this script first in our framework to derive the NN
> FQDN and then run the hive jobs subsequently to avoid failures.
> Takes a max. of 2 secs to execute (small cost in our case, as compared to
> dealing with a failure and then recalculating the NN to resubmit the job).
> Sharing it with you in case you can leverage the same without spending
> effort to code it.
> Do share your feedback/ fixes if you spot any.
> --
> Devopam Mittra
> Life and Relations are not binary

Nitin Pawar

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