Hive does not assume that it owns the data for an external table.  Thus when an 
external table is dropped, the data is not deleted.  People often use this as a 
way to load data into a directory in HDFS and then “cast” a table structure 
over it by creating an external table with that directory as its location.


> On Dec 1, 2016, at 06:15, Huang Meilong <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I found an enum TableType in package org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore. What's 
> the difference between MANAGED_TABLE and EXTERNAL_TABLE?
> Will the table be an EXTERNAL TABLE with setting table type EXTERNAL_TABLE 
> when creating table? 
> I found the code to determine whether a table is an external table in 
> I'm confused what is EXTERNAL_TABLE in TableType for?

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