It is.  You can see the definitive list of keywords at
(Note this is for the master branch, you can switch the branch around to
find the list for a particular release.)  It would be good to file a JIRA
on this so we fix the documentation.


On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 7:48 AM Matt Burgess <> wrote:

> I tried the following simple statement in beeline (Hive 3.0.0):
> create table app (application STRING);
> And got the following error:
> Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line
> 1:18 cannot recognize input near 'application' 'STRING' ')' in column
> name or constraint (state=42000,code=40000)
> I checked the Wiki [1] but didn't see 'application' on the list of
> reserved words. However if I change the column name to anything else
> (even 'applicatio') it works. Can someone confirm whether this is a
> reserved word?
> Thanks in advance,
> Matt
> [1]

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