On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 11:21 PM Bhargav Bipinchandra Naik (Seller
Platform-BLR) <bhargav.n...@flipkart.com> wrote:

> Hi Alan,
> Are write_ids monotonically increasing?
They are assigned monotonically, but the transactions they are a part of
may commit at different times, so you can't use it as a low water mark.
That is, if you looked at the state of the table at time t1 and say that
write_id1 and write_id3 had been committed, it does not mean that there
won't be a write_id2 the next time you look, as the transaction for
write_id2 could have started before the transaction for write_id3 but
finished after.

> Are write_ids accessible in the hive query?
For e.g.:
> select * from table_name where write_id > N;
No.  For full ACID (ORC) tables the write_id is part of a pseudo-column
struct called row__id (not to be confused with the row_id mentioned before,
sorry we overloaded the term).  For insert only ACID (Non-ORC tables) the
write id is inferred from the filename.  In both cases the metastore
doesn't know about these columns, and thus I believe will fail the query
saying "no such column".


> Basically I am trying to understand if I can use write_id to consume only
> updated rows.
> Store the maximum write_id(X) seen in the result and next time query for
> all rows with row_id greater than X.
> Thanks,
> Bhargav
> On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 10:37 PM Alan Gates <alanfga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry, looks like you sent this earlier and I missed it.
>> A couple of things.  One, write_id is per transaction per table.  So for
>> table T, all rows written in w1 will have the same write_id, though they
>> will each have their own monotonically increasing row_ids.  Row_ids are
>> scoped by a write_id, so if both w1 and w2 insert a 100 rows, w1 would have
>> write_id 1, and row_ids 0-99 while w2's rows would have write_id 2 and
>> row_ids 0-99.
>> Two, If w1 and w2 both attempted to update or delete (not insert) records
>> from the same partition of table T, then w1 would fail at commit time
>> because it would see that w2 had already committed and there's a possible
>> conflict.  This avoids lost updates and deleted records magically
>> reappearing.
>> Alan.
>> On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 4:44 AM Bhargav Bipinchandra Naik (Seller
>> Platform-BLR) <bhargav.n...@flipkart.com> wrote:
>>> Is the following scenario supported?
>>> *timestamp:* t1 < t2 < t3 < t4 < t5 < t6
>>> *w1 -* transaction which updates subset of rows in table T {start_time:
>>> t1, end_time: t5}
>>> *w2 -* transaction which updates subset of rows in table T {start_time:
>>> t2, end_time: t3}
>>> *r1 - *job which reads rows from table T {start_time: t4}
>>> *r2 - *job which reads rows from table T {start_time: t6}
>>> - Is the write_id strictly increasing number across rows?
>>> - Is the write_id a version number per row and not a global construct?
>>> - Will the subset of rows updated by w1 have write_ids greater than
>>> write_ids of row updated by w2?
>>> Say if job r1 consumed the data at t4 had maximum write_id 100.
>>> Will rows updated by job w1 (end_time: t5) always have write_id > 100?
>>> Basically I need some kind of checkpoint using which the next run of the
>>> read job can read only the data updated since the checkpoint.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Bhargav

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