Hi, Nino!

I think it is quite crazy idea to setup 1000 concurrent clusters (if I
understand you correctly).
Starting 1000 nodes will be quite expensive.

Could you please describe what business logic you are going to implement?

It is not clear for me what are you expecting from Ignite and what Ignite
components do you need.

>From first glance you need Ignite Compute (to do some computations with
calls), but not need caching?

If you need a compute only, I would recommend start 2-5 nodes and they will
easily process such small number (1000) of tasks.

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 5:45 PM, nino martinez wael <
nino.martinez.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> We are considering using Ignite as a backend for our client / server
> environment (for Ignites key/value store). IT's a telephony based
> system, and the idea are that as a telephony CALL passes through the
> system Ignite nodes will follow the call adding and manipulating data.
> Each call would have it's own node cluster (as we don't need to share
> data between calls). There could be a lot of concurrent calls, max
> would probably be around 1000.
> So the question are how does Ignite handle
> * Cluster size of up to 1000 concurrent clusters (all based on a predicate)
> * A cluster where nodes will come and go and probably are error-prone
> * Realtime, it would be a problem if one node dies and the others have
> to wait for confirmation of death etc
> * OSGI, any issues?
> Please ask if I need to rephrase some of my questions
> --
> Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
> Nino Martinez

Alexey Kuznetsov
GridGain Systems

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