I’m using the Ignite 2.2 C# client to make ComputeTask calls.

I have a type in an argument to one of those calls that is a two
dimensional array of floats, like this:


Public float[,] = new float[32, 32];

When this field is present in a structure being serialized (either in the
argument, or in the response), I get the following error (when the field is
in the result):

Call completed successfully, but result serialization failed […,
serializationErrMsg=Expression of type 'System.Single[,]' cannot be used
for parameter of type 'System.Single[]']

This is odd as the serializer seems to be getting one dimensional and two
dimensional arrays confused.

If I change the element being serialized to a single dimensional array (as
below), then the serialization is fine.


Public float[] = new float[1024];

Are multi-dimensional arrays expected to be supported? Note: This is a
rectangular array, not a jagged array (which would be possible if the
definition was float[][]), which I expect would give the serialiser more



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