As per documentation <>:

Also, the variables are not available for use until after the element has been processed, so *you cannot reference variables that are defined in the same element*. You can reference variables defined in earlier UDVs or on the Test Plan.


UDVs are processed in the order they appear in the Plan, *from top to bottom*.

so if you want to reference an already defined variable you need to add another UDV element below the "initial" one and it should start working.

More information: Using User Defined Variables <>

On 6/30/2022 6:58 PM, Robin D. Wilson wrote:
I'm trying to setup a test with User Defined Variables.

I want to define a variable "ENV" that specifies whether the test will run
in the 'dev' environment, or not. (Basically, if set it will modify all of
the 'hosts' I hit with '-dev' on their hostnames.)

So I want to setup the following type of variables:

ENV = "-dev"
HOSTNAME = "myhost${ENV}"

Then when the test runs, if "ENV" = "-dev", the HOSTNAME would be
"myhost-dev", but if I change "ENV" to "" (null), the HOSTNAME would be

But the User Defined Variables apparently don't use previously set
variables in the config? Because what I am getting for "HOSTNAME" is

Robin D. Wilson
CELL: 512-426-3929

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