Hi Pavan,

Committership is given for engagement with the project like providing documentation, answering questions on the mailinglist, reviewing patches, testing patches and submitting patches.

We currently have a discussion ongoing about the future of mahout, feel free to participate.


On 03/07/2014 06:41 PM, Pavan Kumar N wrote:
Congratulations to Andrew. Would be nice to have some
information/background on how PMC evaluated Andrew to become committer.
Also would be nice what future aspects/algorithms of machine learning is
mahout is going to focus on.

I have been keen to maintain code for one of the projects and mistakenly I
spent time on developing map reduce version of weighted linear regression
solutions procedure. Only recently I saw mahout's webpages are updated.
Would appreciate any advice from Andrew and other PMC members.


On 7 March 2014 22:56, Frank Scholten <fr...@frankscholten.nl> wrote:

Congratulations Andrew!

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Sebastian Schelter <s...@apache.org> wrote:


this is to announce that the Project Management Committee (PMC) for
Mahout has asked Andrew Musselman to become committer and we are pleased
announce that he has accepted.

Being a committer enables easier contribution to the project since in
addition to posting patches on JIRA it also gives write access to the
repository. That also means that now we have yet another person who can
commit patches submitted by others to our repo *wink*

Andrew, we look forward to working with you in the future. Welcome! It
would be great if you could introduce yourself with a few words :)


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