
I am trying to use SSVD for dimensionality reduction on Mahout, the input
is a sample data in CSV format. Below is a snippet of the input


I have executed the below steps.

1. Loaded the csv file and Vectorized the data by following the steps
mentioned at https://github.com/tdunning/pig-vector with key as
TextConverter and value as VectorWritable. Listed below is the output of
this step. I believe the values 420468, 279945 are indices, please correct
me if I am wrong.
Key: 1: Value:
Key: 1: Value:

2. Passed the output of the above command to SSVD as follows
bin/mahout ssvd -i /user/cloudera/vectorized_data/ -o
/user/cloudera/reduced_dimensions --rank 7 -us true -V false -U false -pca
true -ow -t 1

Below is a snippet of the output in USigma folder
Key: 1: Value:
Key: 1: Value:

Please let me know if my approach is correct and help me in interpreting
the output in USigma folder

Thanks in advance

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