Hi there Max,

Apologies for the silence on my side. I use moodle and have been doing so (on a 
different AWS server to that of the OM instance (5.1.0)). I haven’t integrated 
both of them to work with each other (yet), as my Moodle instance is still 
using PHP 5.6 and no SSL. More recent versions of Moodle require PHP 7 + and 
SSL cert to work. The reason I have been slow to upgrade my version of Moodle 
is because some of my MySQL code needs to be changed to MySQLi as many 
functions are deprecated and I also have my school database (on the same Moodle 
server) using old PHP pages which will require a rewrite. This is something I 
will work on over the weekend. Once I have both servers talking to each other, 
I will install the OM Moodle plugin as it is the last piece of the puzzle I 
need to work on. All the best.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 17, 2021, at 7:36 AM, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It seems I understand less and less with each email in this thread :(
> Are there any other Moodle plugin users who follow this thread?
>> On Thu, 11 Feb 2021 at 21:08, Ali Alhaidary <ali.alhaid...@the5stars.org> 
>> wrote:
>> In moodle, to use an application (called plugin) there are three steps:
>> 1. install the plugin.
>> 2. create an activity of that plugin in the class page.
>> 3. use this created activity.
>> In OM case,
>> 1. we install the plugin, and currently, a new group called module is 
>> created, what I am suggesting is not to create this group at this stage.
>> 2. create an activity of any type other than 'Show Recording' with 'suffix' 
>> added, only then a new group is created in OM database called module+suffix.
>> 3. when the teacher uses this activity he will see an empty module+suffix 
>> group in his tree list (that used to see module group only)
>> 4. He records the lesson, which will be saved in 'my recordings', and after 
>> the recording is ready, he will rename it and move it to 'module+suffix' 
>> group.
>> We usually do not want students to enter the room just to attend the 
>> recorded lesson, so the teacher will create an activity of any type 'Show 
>> Recording' with 'suffix' selected (not added, because if he did not create 
>> the activity as per step 2, this list will be empty and the activity can not 
>> be created), and the list of recordings will be displayed to be selected.
>>> On 2/11/21 4:50 PM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 11 Feb 2021 at 20:44, Ali Alhaidary <ali.alhaid...@the5stars.org> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 2/11/21 4:19 PM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 at 21:29, Ali Alhaidary 
>>>>>> <ali.alhaid...@the5stars.org> wrote:
>>>>>> 1. Teacher fills the form of new OM activity with suffix field, and save 
>>>>>> it (see attached in red), at this time, new group is created in OM 
>>>>>> database with the name 'module+suffix'
>>>>> true 
>>>>>> 2. A new OM activity is created on his course page.
>>>>> true 
>>>>>> 3. Teacher clicks on this activity, enters OM room, do the recording and 
>>>>>> exit.
>>>>> true 
>>>>>> 4. Teacher creates new OM activity with 'Show recording' with the same 
>>>>>> suffix field, and only then he can select recordings
>>>>> NOT true
>>>>> As I wrote 2 times before
>>>>> this activity need to be saved "with  suffix"
>>>>> then opened
>>>>> and only the second time recording list will contain correct recording 
>>>>> ....
>>>>> this is the problem
>>>> The activity is saved with 'suffix' as per step 1, and executed (opened) 
>>>> as per step 3, where is the problem ?
>>> I always thought activity of type room is created
>>> then NEW activity of type recording is created
>>> I wonder which of two use-case is more common? ...  
>>>>>> I do know when recording list is generated, however, I do know that 
>>>>>> recording will be visible after recording :-)
>>>>>>> On 2/10/21 4:56 PM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 at 20:30, Ali Alhaidary 
>>>>>>>> <ali.alhaid...@the5stars.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 2/10/21 4:19 PM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I'll clean-up some context
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 at 20:01, Ali Alhaidary 
>>>>>>>>>> <ali.alhaid...@the5stars.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> In fact - no :(
>>>>>>>>>>> recordings created at "moodle-ENG101" will not be visible while key 
>>>>>>>>>>> is "moodle" and the `suffix` is empty
>>>>>>>>>>> to see them
>>>>>>>>>>> teacher will need to create activity (with suffix)
>>>>>>>>>>> save it
>>>>>>>>>>> then edit
>>>>>>>>>>> this looks to me as bad UX :(
>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe you can suggest how it can be improved?
>>>>>>>>>> Yes, you are absolutely right, the teacher needs to create an 
>>>>>>>>>> activity with 'suffix' mandatory field, and then he use this 
>>>>>>>>>> activity, enter the room and do recording, only after that, the 
>>>>>>>>>> recording is visible.
>>>>>>>>> here is the problem
>>>>>>>>> what exactly do you mean by "after that, the recording is visible." ?
>>>>>>>> After the teacher does the recording, it should (would) be visible in 
>>>>>>>> a new activity created with the same suffix for recordings only.
>>>>>>> OK, let's start from the beginning :)
>>>>>>> The recordings list is created on                                 
>>>>>>> server at the very beginning
>>>>>>> this means
>>>>>>> 1) teacher clicks "Add activity"
>>>>>>>   - recording list is created based on "Module key" only (there is no 
>>>>>>> suffix for new activity)
>>>>>>>   - at this point teacher can't select "suffixed" recordings from the 
>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>> 3) he/she adds suffix, and saves the activity
>>>>>>> 4) click edit
>>>>>>>   - recording list is created based on "Module key" and "suffix"
>>>>>>> this is what I call bad UX :(
>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Maxim
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Maxim
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Maxim
>>> -- 
>>> Best regards,
>>> Maxim
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Maxim

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