I'd like to resurrect this thread since I don't have an answer yet.

From: Adrian Mocanu [mailto:amoc...@verticalscope.com]
Sent: March-27-14 10:04 AM
To: u...@spark.incubator.apache.org
Subject: function state lost when next RDD is processed

Is there a way to pass a custom function to spark to run it on the entire 
stream? For example, say I have a function which sums up values in each RDD and 
then across RDDs.

I've tried with map, transform, reduce. They all apply my sum function on 1 
RDD. When the next RDD comes the function starts from 0 so the sum of the 
previous RDD is lost.

Does Spark support a way of passing a custom function so that its state is 
preserved across RDDs and not only within RDD?


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