Exceptions should be sent back to the driver program and logged there (with a 
SparkException thrown if a task fails more than 4 times), but there were some 
bugs before where this did not happen for non-Serializable exceptions. We 
changed it to pass back the stack traces only (as text), which should always 
work. I’d recommend trying a newer Spark version, 0.8 should be easy to upgrade 
to from 0.7.


On Apr 4, 2014, at 10:40 AM, John Salvatier <jsalvat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to get a clear idea about how exceptions are handled in Spark? Is 
> there somewhere where I can read about this? I'm on spark .7
> For some reason I was under the impression that such exceptions are swallowed 
> and the value that produced them ignored but the exception is logged. 
> However, right now we're seeing the task just re-tried over and over again in 
> an infinite loop because there's a value that always generates an exception.
> John

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