Sure. As you have pointed, those classes don't implement Serializable and
Spark uses by default java serialization (when you do collect the data from
the workers will be serialized, "collected" by the driver and then
deserialized on the driver side). Kryo (as most other decent serialization
libs) doesn't require you to implement Serializable.

For the missing attributes it's due to the fact that java serialization
does not ser/deser attributes from classes that don't impl. Serializable
(in your case the parent classes).

2014-04-14 23:17 GMT+02:00 Flavio Pompermaier <>:

> Thanks Eugen for tgee reply. Could you explain me why I have the
> problem?Why my serialization doesn't work?
> On Apr 14, 2014 6:40 PM, "Eugen Cepoi" <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> as a easy workaround you can enable Kryo serialization
>> Eugen
>> 2014-04-14 18:21 GMT+02:00 Flavio Pompermaier <>:
>>> Hi to all,
>>> in my application I read objects that are not serializable because I
>>> cannot modify the sources.
>>> So I tried to do a workaround creating a dummy class that extends the
>>> unmodifiable one but implements serializable.
>>> All attributes of the parent class are Lists of objects (some of them
>>> are still not serializable and some of them are, i.e. List<String>).
>>> Until I do map and filter on the RDD that objects are filled correclty
>>> (I checked that via Eclipse debug), but when I do collect all the
>>> attributes of my objects are empty. Could you help me please?
>>> I'm using spark-core-2.10 e version 0.9.0-incubating.
>>> Best,
>>> Flavio

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