So I tried a fix found on the list...

   "The issue was due to meos version mismatch as I am using latest mesos 
0.17.0, but spark uses 0.13.0.
    Fixed by updating the SparkBuild.scala to latest version."

I changed this line in SparkBuild.scala
        "org.apache.mesos"         % "mesos"            % "0.13.0",
        "org.apache.mesos"         % "mesos"            % "0.18.0",

...ran, repackaged and redeployed the tar.gz to HDFS.

It still core dumps like this:

In this environment:
  Ubuntu 13.10
  Mesos 0.18.0
  Spark 0.9.1
  JDK 1.7.0_45
  Scala 2.10.1

What am I missing?

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