There's no easy way to d this currently. The pieces are there from the PySpark 
code for regression which should be adaptable.

But you'd have to roll your own solution.

This is something I also want so I intend to put together a pull request for 
this soon
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On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 4:28 PM, Laird, Benjamin
<> wrote:

> Hi all -
> I’m using pySpark/MLLib ALS for user/item clustering and would like to 
> directly access the user/product RDDs (called userFeatures/productFeatures in 
> class MatrixFactorizationModel in 
> mllib/recommendation/MatrixFactorizationModel.scala
> This doesn’t seem to complex, but it doesn’t seem like the functionality is 
> currently available. I think it requires accessing the underlying java mode 
> like so:
> model = ALS.train(ratings,1,iterations=1,blocks=5)
> userFeatures = RDD(model.javamodel.userFeatures, sc, ???)
> However, I don’t know what to pass as the deserializer. I need these low 
> dimensional vectors as an RDD to then use in Kmeans clustering. Has anyone 
> done something similar?
> Ben
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