Doesnt DStream.foreach() suffice?

anyDStream.foreach { rdd =>
   // do something with rdd

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 9:33 PM, Stephen Boesch <> wrote:

> Looking further it appears the functionality I am seeking is in the
> following *private[spark] * class ForEachdStream
> (version 0.8.1 , yes we are presently using an older release..)
> private[streaming]
> class ForEachDStream[T: ClassManifest] (
>     parent: DStream[T],
> *    foreachFunc: (RDD[T], Time) => Unit*
>   ) extends DStream[Unit](parent.ssc) {
> I would like to have access to this structure - particularly the ability
> to define an "foreachFunc" that gets applied to each RDD within the
> DStream.  Is there a means to do so?
> 2014-05-14 21:25 GMT-07:00 Stephen Boesch <>:
>> Given that collect() does not exist on DStream apparently my mental model
>> of Streaming RDD (DStream) needs correction/refinement.  So what is the
>> means to convert DStream data into a JVM in-memory representation.  All of
>> the methods on DStream i.e. filter, map, transform, reduce, etc generate
>> other DStream's, and not an in memory data structure.

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