I see - I didn't realize that scope would work like that.  Are you
saying that any variable that is in scope of the lambda passed to map
will be automagically propagated to all workers? What if it's not
explicitly referenced in the map, only used by it.  E.g.:

def main:
  rdd.map(x => F.f(x))

object F {
  def f(...)...
  val settings:...

F.f accesses F.settings, like a Singleton.  The master sets F.settings
before using F.f in a map.  Will all workers have the same F.settings
as seen by F.f?

On 5/16/14, DB Tsai <dbt...@stanford.edu> wrote:
> Since the evn variables in driver will not be passed into workers, the most
> easy way you can do is refer to the variables directly in workers from
> driver.
> For example,
> val variableYouWantToUse = System.getenv("something defined in env")
> rdd.map(
> you can access `variableYouWantToUse` here
> )
> Sincerely,
> DB Tsai
> -------------------------------------------------------
> My Blog: https://www.dbtsai.com
> LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dbtsai
> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Robert James
> <srobertja...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> What is a good way to pass config variables to workers?
>> I've tried setting them in environment variables via spark-env.sh, but,
>> as
>> far as I can tell, the environment variables set there don't appear in
>> workers' environments.  If I want to be able to configure all workers,
>> what's a good way to do it?  For example, I want to tell all workers:
>> USE_ALGO_A or USE_ALGO_B - but I don't want to recompile.

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