
Im confused on what is the right way to use broadcast variables from java.

My code looks something like this:

Map<> val = //build Map to be broadcast
Broadcast<Map<>> broadastVar = sc.broadcast(val);

sc.textFile(...).map(new SomeFunction()) {
//Do something here using broadcastVar

My question is, should I pass the broadcastVar to the SomeFunction as a
constructor parameter that it can keep around as an instance variable i.e.

sc.textFile(...).map(new SomeFunction(broadcastVar)) {
//Do something here using broadcastVar

class SomeFunction extends Function<T> {
 public SomeFunction(Broadcast<Map<>> var) {
   this.var = var

 public T call() {
  //Do something

Is above the right way to utilize broadcast Variables when not using
anonymous inner classes as functions?

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