
I am using spark 1.0.0 and found in spark sql some queries use GROUP BY
give weird results.
To reproduce, type the following commands in spark-shell connecting to a
standalone server:

case class Foo(k: String, v: Int)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext._
val rows = List.fill(100)(Foo("a", 1)) ++ List.fill(200)(Foo("b", 2)) ++
List.fill(300)(Foo("c", 3))
sql("select k,count(*) from foo group by k").collect

the result will be something random like:
res1: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([b,180], [3,18], [a,75],
[c,270], [4,56], [1,1])

and if I run the same query again, the new result will be correct:
sql("select k,count(*) from foo group by k").collect
res2: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([b,200], [a,100], [c,300])

Should I file a bug?

Pei-Lun Lee

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