On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 8:22 AM, Koert Kuipers <ko...@tresata.com> wrote:
> thanks! i will try that.
> i guess what i am most confused about is why the executors are trying to
> retrieve the jars directly using the info i provided to add jars to my spark
> context. i mean, thats bound to fail no? i could be on a different machine
> (so my file://) isnt going to work for them, or i could have the jars in a
> directory that is only readable by me.
> how come the jars are not just shipped to yarn as part of the job submittal?

They are if they are specified correctly. Check the guide:

See the "Advanced Dependency Management" section.

Your default filesystem is probably hdfs, which means that if you
provide a path with no protocol, the executors will consider it as an
hdfs path, and it won't work if you're pointing at a file that exists
in your local fs.


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