On 6/24/14, Peng Cheng <pc...@uow.edu.au> wrote:
> I got 'NoSuchFieldError' which is of the same type. its definitely a
> dependency jar conflict. spark driver will load jars of itself which in
> recent version get many dependencies that are 1-2 years old. And if your
> newer version dependency is in the same package it will be shaded (Java's
> first come first serve principle) and the new method won't be found. Try
> using:
> mvn dependency:tree to find duplicate artifacts
> and use maven-shade-plugin to rename the package of your newer library.
> (IntelliJ doesn't officially support this plug-in so it may become quirky,
> if that happens try re-importing the project)

I'm using Scala and sbt. How can I do what you recommend (no maven)?

 I tried doing a `sbt clean` but it didn't help.

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