I think you can maintain a connection pool or keep the connection as a 
long-lived object in executor side (like lazily creating a singleton object in 
object { } in Scala), so your task can get this connection each time executing 
a task, not creating a new one, that would be good for your scenario, since 
create a connection is quite expensive for each task.


From: Juan Rodríguez Hortalá [mailto:juan.rodriguez.hort...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 5:19 PM
To: Tobias Pfeiffer
Cc: user@spark.apache.org
Subject: Re: Which is the best way to get a connection to an external database 
per task in Spark Streaming?

Hi Tobias, thanks for your help. I understand that with that code we obtain a 
database connection per partition, but I also suspect that with that code a new 
database connection is created per each execution of the function used as 
argument for mapPartitions(). That would be very inefficient because a new 
object and a new database connection would be created for each batch of the 
DStream. But my knowledge about the lifecycle of Functions in Spark Streaming 
is very limited, so maybe I'm wrong, what do you think?


2014-07-08 3:30 GMT+02:00 Tobias Pfeiffer 

I am doing something similar, just not "insert into SQL database", but "issue 
some RPC call". I think mapPartitions() may be helpful to you. You could do 
something like

dstream.mapPartitions(iter => {
  val db = new DbConnection()
  // maybe only do the above if !iter.isEmpty
  iter.map(item => {
    // do some cleanup if !iter.hasNext here
}).count() // force output

Keep in mind though that the whole idea about RDDs is that operations are 
idempotent and in theory could be run on multiple hosts (to take the result 
from the fastest server) or multiple times (to deal with failures/timeouts) 
etc., which is maybe something you want to deal with in your SQL.


On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 3:40 AM, Juan Rodríguez Hortalá 
Hi list,

I'm writing a Spark Streaming program that reads from a kafka topic, performs 
some transformations on the data, and then inserts each record in a database 
with foreachRDD. I was wondering which is the best way to handle the connection 
to the database so each worker, or even each task, uses a different connection 
to the database, and then database inserts/updates would be performed in 
- I understand that using a final variable in the driver code is not a good 
idea because then the communication with the database would be performed in the 
driver code, which leads to a bottleneck, according to 
- I think creating a new connection in the call() method of the Function passed 
to foreachRDD is also a bad idea, because then I wouldn't be reusing the 
connection to the database for each batch RDD in the DStream
- I'm not sure that a broadcast variable with the connection handler is a good 
idea in case the target database is distributed, because if the same handler is 
used for all the nodes of the Spark cluster then than could have a negative 
effect in the data locality of the connection to the database.
- From 
 I understand that by using an static variable and referencing it in the call() 
method of the Function passed to foreachRDD we get a different connection per 
Spark worker, I guess it's because there is a different JVM per worker. But 
then all the tasks in the same worker would share the same database handler 
object, am I right?
- Another idea is using updateStateByKey() using the database handler as the 
state, but I guess that would only work for Serializable database handlers, and 
for example not for an org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable object.

So my question is, which is the best way to get a connection to an external 
database per task in Spark Streaming? Or at least per worker. In 
 there is a partial solution to this question, but there the database handler 
object is missing. This other question 
 is closer to mine, but there is no answer for it yet
Thanks in advance,

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