To add to Ron's answer, this post explains what it means to run Spark
against a YARN cluster, the difference between yarn-client and yarn-cluster
mode, and the reason spark-shell only works in yarn-client mode.


On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 9:09 AM, Ron Gonzalez <> wrote:

> The idea behind YARN is that you can run different application types like
> MapReduce, Storm and Spark.
> I would recommend that you build your spark jobs in the main method
> without specifying how you deploy it. Then you can use spark-submit to tell
> Spark how you would want to deploy to it using yarn-cluster as the master.
> The key point here is that once you have YARN setup, the spark client
> connects to it using the $HADOOP_CONF_DIR that contains the resource
> manager address. In particular, this needs to be accessible from the
> classpath of the submitter since it implicitly uses this when it
> instantiates a YarnConfiguration instance. If you want more details, read
> org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client.scala.
> You should be able to download a standalone YARN cluster from any of the
> Hadoop providers like Cloudera or Hortonworks. Once you have that, the
> spark programming guide describes what I mention above in sufficient detail
> for you to proceed.
> Thanks,
> Ron
> Sent from my iPad
> > On Jul 9, 2014, at 8:31 AM, John Omernik <> wrote:
> >
> > I am trying to get my head around using Spark on Yarn from a perspective
> of a cluster. I can start a Spark Shell no issues in Yarn. Works easily.
>  This is done in yarn-client mode and it all works well.
> >
> > In multiple examples, I see instances where people have setup Spark
> Clusters in Stand Alone mode, and then in the examples they "connect" to
> this cluster in Stand Alone mode. This is done often times using the
> spark:// string for connection.  Cool. s
> > But what I don't understand is how do I setup a Yarn instance that I can
> "connect" to? I.e. I tried running Spark Shell in yarn-cluster mode and it
> gave me an error, telling me to use yarn-client.  I see information on
> using spark-class or spark-submit.  But what I'd really like is a instance
> I can connect a spark-shell too, and have the instance stay up. I'd like to
> be able run other things on that instance etc. Is that possible with Yarn?
> I know there may be long running job challenges with Yarn, but I am just
> testing, I am just curious if I am looking at something completely bonkers
> here, or just missing something simple.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >

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