Hi, folks.

We're having a problem with iteration that I don't understand.

We have the following test code:


def test (caching: Boolean, points: Int, iterations: Int) {
var coords = sc.parallelize(Array.fill(points)(0.0,
if (caching) coords.cache

var iteration = 0
val times = new Array[Double](iterations)

do {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val thisIteration = iteration
val increments = sc.parallelize(for (i <- 1 to points) yield (math.random,
val newcoords = coords.zip(increments).map(p =>
if (0 == p._1._1) println("Processing iteration "+thisIteration)
 (p._1._2._1 + p._2._1,
  p._1._2._2 + p._2._2))
if (caching) newcoords.cache
if (caching) coords.unpersist(false)
coords = newcoords
val end = System.currentTimeMillis

times(iteration) = (end-start)/1000.0
println("Done iteration "+iteration+" in "+times(iteration)+" seconds")
iteration = iteration + 1
} while (iteration < iterations)

for (i <- 0 until iterations) {
println("Iteration "+i+": "+times(i))

If you run this on a local server with caching on and off, it appears that
the caching does what it is supposed to do - only the latest iteration is
processed each time through the loop.

However, despite this, the time for each iteration still gets slower and
For example, calling test(true, 5000, 100), I get the following times
(weeding out a few for brevity):
Iteration 0: 0.084
Iteration 10: 0.381
Iteration 20: 0.674
Iteration 30: 0.975
Iteration 40: 1.254
Iteration 50: 1.544
Iteration 60: 1.802
Iteration 70: 2.147
Iteration 80: 2.469
Iteration 90: 2.715
Iteration 99: 2.962

That's a 35x increase between the first and last iteration, when it should
be doing the same thing each time!

Without caching, the nubmers are
Iteration 0: 0.642
Iteration 10: 0.516
Iteration 20: 0.823
Iteration 30: 1.17
Iteration 40: 1.514
Iteration 50: 1.655
Iteration 60: 1.992
Iteration 70: 2.177
Iteration 80: 2.472
Iteration 90: 2.814
Iteration 99: 3.018

slightly slower - but not significantly.

Does anyone know, if the caching is working, why is iteration 100 slower
than iteration 1?  And why is caching making so little difference?

            -Nathan Kronenfeld

Nathan Kronenfeld
Senior Visualization Developer
Oculus Info Inc
2 Berkeley Street, Suite 600,
Toronto, Ontario M5A 4J5
Phone:  +1-416-203-3003 x 238
Email:  nkronenf...@oculusinfo.com

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