Hi Sargun,

There have been few discussions on the list recently about the topic. The
short answer is that this is not supported at the moment.
This is a particularly good thread as it discusses the current state and


-kr, Gerard.

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Sargun Dhillon <sar...@sargun.me> wrote:

> Does anyone here have a way to do Spark Streaming with external timing
> for windows? Right now, it relies on the wall clock of the driver to
> determine the amount of time that each batch read lasts.
> We have a Kafka, and HDFS ingress into our Spark Streaming pipeline
> where the events are annotated by the timestamps that they happened
> (in real time) in. We would like to keep our windows based on those
> timestamps, as opposed to based on the driver time.
> Does anyone have any ideas how to do this?

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