
On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 3:11 PM, praveshjain1991 <praveshjain1...@gmail.com>
> The part that you mentioned "*/the variable `result ` is of type
> DStream[Row]. That is, the meta-information from the SchemaRDD is lost and,
> from what I understand, there is then no way to learn about the column
> names
> of the returned data, as this information is only encoded in the
> SchemaRDD/*"

Because a DStream[Row] is basically like DStream[Array[Object]]. You lose
all the information about data types in your result and there is no way to
recover it, once the schema is inaccessible. If you want to process the
data later on, you will have to check types and make assertions about the
statements that were issued before etc.


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