On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 6:21 PM, pierred <pie...@demartines.com> wrote:

So, what is the accepted wisdom in terms of IDE and development environment?

I don't know what the accepted wisdom is. I've been getting by with the
Scala IDE for Eclipse, though I am using the stable version - as you noted,
this keeps me from upgrading to the latest Eclipse version. The quality of
the Scala IDE is poor, but I have found it generally usable. I generate the
Eclipse project files from SBT. Debugging does work (mostly) - just be
aware you can't easily step into a lambda, so it's easiest to add a
breakpoint inside of it.

As for unit testing, both Specs2 and ScalaTest work, and I can run
individual tests within Eclipse. For Specs2 there is an Eclipse plugin, and
for ScalaTest you can annotate your tests with
@RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) and it'll work in the usual JUnit tools. I
have automated tests running in Bamboo. Took a bit of wrangling to get the
test output picked up, but it works.

> Is there a good tutorial to set things up so that one half of the
> libraries/tools doesn't break the other half?

No idea.

> What do you guys use?
> scala 2.10 or 2.11?
> sbt or maven?
> eclipse or idea?
> jdk7 or 8?

I'm using Java 7 and Scala 2.10.x (not every framework I use supports later
versions). SBT because I use the Play Framework, but I miss Maven. I
haven't tried IntelliJ's Scala support, but it's probably worth a shot.

The tooling isn't nearly as solid as what Java has, but I make due.

Daniel Siegmann, Software Developer
Accelerating Machine Learning

E: daniel.siegm...@velos.io W: www.velos.io

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