TD - Apologies, didn't realize I was replying to you instead of the list.

What does "numPartitions" refer to when calling createStream? I read an
earlier thread that seemed to suggest that numPartitions translates to
partitions created on the Spark side?

Actually, I re-tried with 64 numPartitions in createStream and that didn't
work. I will manually set "repartition" to 64/128 and see how that goes.


On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Tathagata Das <>

> Having 16 partitions in KafkaUtils.createStream does not translate to the
> RDDs in Spark / Spark Streaming having 16 partitions. Repartition is the
> best way to distribute the received data between all the nodes, as long as
> there are sufficient number of partitions (try setting it to 2x the number
> cores given to the application).
> Yeah, in 1.0.0, ttl should be unnecessary.
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Tim Smith <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Tathagata Das <
>>> wrote:
>>> If you are repartitioning to 8 partitions, and your node happen to have
>>> at least 4 cores each, its possible that all 8 partitions are assigned to
>>> only 2 nodes. Try increasing the number of partitions. Also make sure you
>>> have executors (allocated by YARN) running on more than two nodes if you
>>> want to use all 11 nodes in your yarn cluster.
>> If you look at the code, I commented out the manual re-partitioning to 8.
>> Instead, I am created 16 partitions when I call createStream. But I will
>> increase the partitions to, say, 64 and see if I get better parallelism.
>>> If you are using Spark 1.x, then you dont need to set the ttl for
>>> running Spark Streaming. In case you are using older version, why do you
>>> want to reduce it? You could reduce it, but it does increase the risk of
>>> the premature cleaning, if once in a while things get delayed by 20
>>> seconds. I dont see much harm in keeping the ttl at 60 seconds (a bit of
>>> extra garbage shouldnt hurt performance).
>> I am running 1.0.0 (CDH5) so ttl setting is redundant? But you are right,
>> unless I have memory issues, more aggressive pruning won't help.
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
>>>  TD
>>> On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Tim Smith <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> In my streaming app, I receive from kafka where I have tried setting
>>>> the partitions when calling "createStream" or later, by calling repartition
>>>> - in both cases, the number of nodes running the tasks seems to be
>>>> stubbornly stuck at 2. Since I have 11 nodes in my cluster, I was hoping to
>>>> use more nodes.
>>>> I am starting the job as:
>>>> nohup spark-submit --class logStreamNormalizer --master yarn
>>>> log-stream-normalizer_2.10-1.0.jar --jars
>>>> spark-streaming-kafka_2.10-1.0.0.jar,kafka_2.10-,zkclient-0.3.jar,metrics-core-2.2.0.jar,json4s-jackson_2.10-3.2.10.jar
>>>> --executor-memory 30G --spark.cleaner.ttl 60 --executor-cores 8
>>>> --num-executors 8 >normRunLog-6.log 2>normRunLogError-6.log & echo $! >
>>>> My main code is:
>>>>  val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SparkKafkaTest")
>>>>  val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf,Seconds(5))
>>>>  val kInMsg =
>>>> KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc,"node-nn1-1:2181/zk_kafka","normApp",Map("rawunstruct"
>>>> -> 16))
>>>>  val propsMap = Map("" ->
>>>> "node-dn1-6:9092,node-dn1-7:9092,node-dn1-8:9092", "serializer.class" ->
>>>> "kafka.serializer.StringEncoder", "producer.type" -> "async",
>>>> "request.required.acks" -> "1")
>>>>  val to_topic = """normStruct"""
>>>>  val writer = new KafkaOutputService(to_topic, propsMap)
>>>>  if (!configMap.keySet.isEmpty)
>>>>  {
>>>>   //kInMsg.repartition(8)
>>>>   val outdata =>normalizeLog(x._2,configMap))
>>>>   outdata.foreachRDD((rdd,time) => { rdd.foreach(rec => {
>>>> writer.output(rec) }) } )
>>>>  }
>>>>  ssc.start()
>>>>  ssc.awaitTermination()
>>>> In terms of total delay, with a 5 second batch, the delays usually stay
>>>> under 5 seconds, but sometimes jump to ~10 seconds. As a performance tuning
>>>> question, does this mean, I can reduce my cleaner ttl from 60 to say 25
>>>> (still more than double of the peak delay)?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Tim

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