Thank you for the quick answer, looks good to me

Though that brings me to another question. Suppose we want to open a connection 
to a database, an ElasticSearch, etc...

I now have two proceedings :
1/ use .mapPartitions and setup the connection at the start of each partition, 
so I get a connection per partition
2/ use a singleton object, which loads a connection per executor if my 
understanding is correct

I would have used the second possibility, so I don't create a new connection 
for a partition each time the partition fails to compute for whatever reason.  
I also don't have a lot of connections in parallel because I have only one 
connection per worker. If I have 200 partitions in parallel, that makes 200 
But in the second case a partition could kill the connection on the worker 
during computation and because that connection is shared for all tasks of the 
executor, all partitions would fail. Also, only one connection object would 
have to manage 200 partitions trying to output to 
Elasticsearch/database/etc...that may be bad performance-wise.

Can't see a case where second is preferable for now. Doesn't seem I could use 
that singleton object to share data within an executor sadly...

Thanks for the input

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Sean Owen []
Envoyé : jeudi 4 septembre 2014 15:36
À : Andrianasolo Fanilo
Cc :
Objet : Re: Object serialisation inside closures

In your original version, the object is referenced by the function but it's on 
the driver, and so has to be serialized. This leads to an error since it's not 
serializable. Instead, you want to recreate the object locally on each of the 
remote machines.

In your third version you are holding the parser in a static member of a class, 
in your Scala object. When you call the parse method, you're calling it on the 
instance of the CSVParserPlus class that was loaded on the remote worker. It 
loads and creates its own copy of the parser.

A maybe more compact solution is to use mapPartitions, and create the parser 
once at the start. This avoids needing this static / singleton pattern, but 
also means the parser is created only once per partition.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Andrianasolo Fanilo 
<> wrote:
> Hello Spark fellows J
> I’m a new user of Spark and Scala and have been using both for 6
> months without too many problems.
> Here I’m looking for best practices for using non-serializable classes
> inside closure. I’m using Spark-0.9.0-incubating here with Hadoop 2.2.
> Suppose I am using OpenCSV parser to parse an input file. So inside my
> main
> :
> val sc = new SparkContext("local[2]", "App")
> val heyRDD = sc.textFile("…")
> val csvparser = new CSVParser(';')
> val heyMap = { line =>
>       val temp = csvparser.parseLine(line)
>       (temp(1), temp(4))
> }
> This gives me a
>, which seems reasonable.
> From here I could see 3 solutions :
> 1/ Extending CSVParser with Serialisable properties, which adds a lot
> of boilerplate code if you ask me
> 2/ Using Kryo Serialization (still need to define a serializer)
> 3/ Creating an object with an instance of the class I want to use,
> typically
> :
> object CSVParserPlus {
>   val csvParser = new CSVParser(';')
>   def parse(line: String) = {
>     csvParser.parseLine(line)
>   }
> }
>     val heyMap = { line =>
>       val temp = CSVParserPlus.parse(line)
>       (temp(1), temp(4))
>     }
> Third solution works and I don’t get how, so I was wondering how
> worked the closure system inside Spark to be able to serialize an
> object with a non-serializable instance. How does that work ? Does it hinder 
> performance ?
> Is it a good solution ? How do you manage this problem ?
> Any input would be greatly appreciated
> Best regards,
> Fanilo
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