Hi all

I am trying to run kinesis spark streaming application on a standalone
spark cluster. The job works find in local mode but when I submit it (using
spark-submit), it doesn't do anything. I enabled logs
for org.apache.spark.streaming.kinesis package and I regularly get the
following in worker logs:

14/09/11 11:41:25 DEBUG KinesisRecordProcessor: Stored:  Worker
x.x.x.x:b88a9210-cbb9-4c31-8da7-35fd92faba09 stored 34 records for shardId
14/09/11 11:41:25 DEBUG KinesisRecordProcessor: Stored:  Worker
x.x.x.x:b2e9c20f-470a-44fe-a036-630c776919fb stored 31 records for shardId

But the job does not perform any operations defined on DStream. To
investigate this further, I changed the kinesis-asl's KinesisUtils to
perform the following computation on the DStream created
using ssc.receiverStream(new KinesisReceiver...):

stream.count().foreachRDD(rdd => rdd.foreach(tuple => logInfo("Emitted " +

Even the above line does not results in any corresponding log entries both
in driver and worker logs. The only relevant logs that I could find in
driver logs are:
14/09/11 11:40:58 INFO DAGScheduler: Stage 2 (foreach at
KinesisUtils.scala:68) finished in 0.398 s
14/09/11 11:40:58 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: foreach at
KinesisUtils.scala:68, took 4.926449985 s
14/09/11 11:40:58 INFO JobScheduler: Finished job streaming job
1410435653000 ms.0 from job set of time 1410435653000 ms
14/09/11 11:40:58 INFO JobScheduler: Starting job streaming job
1410435653000 ms.1 from job set of time 1410435653000 ms
14/09/11 11:40:58 INFO SparkContext: Starting job: foreach at
14/09/11 11:40:58 INFO DAGScheduler: Registering RDD 13 (union at
14/09/11 11:40:58 INFO DAGScheduler: Got job 3 (foreach at
KinesisUtils.scala:68) with 2 output partitions (allowLocal=false)
14/09/11 11:40:58 INFO DAGScheduler: Final stage: Stage 5(foreach at

After the above logs, nothing shows up corresponding to KinesisUtils. I am
out of ideas on this one and any help on this would greatly appreciated.


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