What is in 'rdd' here, to double check? Do you mean the spark shell when
you say console? At the end you're grepping output from some redirected
output but where is that from?
On Sep 19, 2014 7:21 PM, "Andy Davidson" <a...@santacruzintegration.com>

> Hi
> I am wrote a little java job to try and figure out how RDD pipe works.
>  Bellow is my test shell script. If in the script I turn on debugging I get
> output. In my console. If debugging is turned off in the shell script, I do
> not see anything in my console. Is this a bug or feature?
> I am running the job locally on a Mac
> Thanks
> Andy
> Here is my Java
>         rdd.pipe(pwd + "/src/main/bin/RDDPipe.sh").collect();
> #!/bin/sh
> #
> # Use this shell script to figure out how spark RDD pipe() works
> #
> set -x # turns shell debugging on
> #set +x # turns shell debugging off
> while read x ;
> do
> echo RDDPipe.sh $x ;
> Done
> Here is the output if debugging is turned on
> $ !grep
> grep RDDPipe run.sh.out
> + echo RDDPipe.sh 0
> + echo RDDPipe.sh 0
> + echo RDDPipe.sh 2
> + echo RDDPipe.sh 0
> + echo RDDPipe.sh 3
> + echo RDDPipe.sh 0
> + echo RDDPipe.sh 0
> $

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