Damn, you're right, I wasn't looking at it properly. I was confused by intelliJ I guess.

Many thanks!

On 2014-10-02 19:02, Sean Owen wrote:
Eh, is it not that you are mapping the values of an RDD whose keys are
StringStrings, but expecting the keys are Strings? That's also about
what the compiler is saying too.

On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Robin Keunen <robin.keu...@lampiris.be> wrote:
Hi all,

I successfully implemented my algorithm in Scala but my team wants it in
Java. I have a problem with Generics, can anyone help me?

I have a first JavaPairRDD with a structure like ((ean, key), [from, to,

ean and key are string
from and to are DateTime
value is a Double

JavaPairRDD<StringString, List<Serializable>> eanKeyTsParameters =
javaRDD.mapToPair( ... );

Then I try to do flatMapValues to apply the GenerateTimeSeries Function, it
takes the from, to and values to generate a List<LongDouble>. Here is the
error I get when compiling:

error: incompatible types: no instance(s) of type variable(s) U exist so
that JavaPairRDD<StringString,U> conforms to JavaPairRDD<String,LongDouble>

Here is what IntelliJ tells me:
flatMapValues( Function<List<Serializable>, Iterable<U>> ) in JavaPairRDD
cannot be applied to Transformations.GenerateTimeSeries

Here is the problematic transformation:

JavaPairRDD<String, LongDouble> keyLongDouble =

And here is the Function:

import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function; [...]

public class Transformations {
     public static class GenerateTimeSeries
             implements Function<List<Serializable>, Iterable<LongDouble>> {

         public Iterable<LongDouble> call(List<Serializable> args) {
             DateTime start = (DateTime) args.get(0);
             DateTime end = (DateTime) args.get(1);
             Double value  = (Double) args.get(2);
             int granularity = 24*60*60*1000; // 1 day

             return AggregationUtils.createTimeSeries(start, end, value,

Any idea?



Robin Keunen
Software Engineer


Robin Keunen
Software Engineer

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