I am writing to HBase, following are my options:

export SPARK_CLASSPATH=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase/hbase-protocol.jar

spark-submit \

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fengyun RAO" <raofeng...@gmail.com>
To: user@spark.apache.org, u...@hbase.apache.org
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 6:29:21 AM
Subject: Re: How to add HBase dependencies and conf with spark-submit?


2014-10-15 20:48 GMT+08:00 Fengyun RAO < raofeng...@gmail.com > : 

We use Spark 1.1, and HBase 0.98.1-cdh5.1.0, and need to read and write an 
HBase table in Spark program. 

I notice there are: 

spark.driver.extraClassPath spark.executor.extraClassPath properties to manage 
extra ClassPath, over even an deprecated SPARK_CLASSPATH. 

The problem is what classpath or jars should we append? 
I can simplely add the whole `hbase classpath`, which is huge, 
but this leads to dependencies conflict, e.g. HBase uses guava-12 while Spark 
uses guava-14. 

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