1.  All RDD operations are executed in workers. So reading a text file or
executing val x = 1 will happen on worker. (link

a. Without braodcast: Let's say you have 'n' nodes. You can set hadoop's
replication factor to n and it will replicate that data across all nodes.
b. With broadcast: using sc.broadcast() should do it. (link

On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 1:18 AM, Saurabh Wadhawan <
saurabh.wadha...@guavus.com> wrote:

>  Any response for this?
>  1. How do I know what statements will be executed on worker side out of
> the spark script in a stage.
>     e.g. if I have
>     val x = 1 (or any other code)
>     in my driver code, will the same statements be executed on the worker
> side in a stage?
> 2. How can I do a map side join in spark :
>    a. without broadcast(i.e. by reading a file once in each executor)
>    b. with broadcast but by broadcasting complete RDD to each executor
> Regards
>  - Saurabh Wadhawan
>  On 19-Oct-2014, at 1:54 am, Saurabh Wadhawan <saurabh.wadha...@guavus.com>
> wrote:
>  Hi,
>   I have following questions:
>  1. When I write a spark script, how do I know what part runs on the
> driver side and what runs on the worker side.
>      So lets say, I write code to to read a plain text file.
>      Will it run on driver side only or will it run on server side only or
> on both sides
>  2. If I want each worker to load a file for lets say join and the file
> is pretty huge lets say in GBs, so that I don't want to broadcast it, then
> what's the best way to do it.
>       Another way to say the same thing would be how do I load a data
> structure for fast lookup(and not an RDD) on each worker node in the
> executor
>  Regards
> - Saurabh

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