Hey all,

Just thought I'd share this with the list in case any one else would
benefit.  Currently working on a proper integration of PySpark and
DataStax's new Cassandra-Spark connector, but that's on going.

In the meanwhile, I've basically updated the cassandra_inputformat.py and
cassandra_outputformat.py examples that come with Spark.

The new example shows reading and writing to Cassandra including proper
handling of CQL 3.1 collections: lists, sets and maps. Think it also
clarifies the format RDDs are required be in to write data to Cassandra
provides a more general serializer
to write Python (serialized via Py4J) structs to Cassandra.

Comments or questions are welcome. Will update the group again when we have
support for the DataStax connector.

Mike Sukmanowsky
Aspiring Digital Carpenter

*p*: +1 (416) 953-4248
*e*: mike.sukmanow...@gmail.com

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