Hey Stuart,

The RDD won't show up under the Storage tab in the UI until it's been
cached. Basically Spark doesn't know what the RDD will look like until it's
cached, b/c up until then the RDD is just on disk (external to Spark). If
you launch some transformations + an action on an RDD that is purely on
disk, then Spark will read it from disk, compute against it and then write
the results back to disk or show you the results at the scala/python
shells. But when you run Spark workloads against purely on disk files, the
RDD won't show up in Spark's Storage UI. Hope that makes sense...

- Sameer

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Stuart Horsman <stuart.hors...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> When I load an RDD with:
> data = sc.textFile("somefile")
> I don't see the resulting RDD in the SparkContext gui on localhost:4040 in
> /storage.
> Is there something special I need to do to allow me to view this?  I tried
> but scala and python shells but same result.
> Thanks
> Stuart

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