I noticed a bug in the sample java code in MLlib - Naive Bayes docs page:

In the filter:

|double  accuracy  =  1.0  *  predictionAndLabel.filter(new  Function<Tuple2<Double,  
Double>,  Boolean>()  {
    @Override  public  Boolean  call(Tuple2<Double,  Double>  pl)  {
      return  pl._1()  ==  pl._2();
  }).count()  /  test.count();

it tests Double object by references whereas it should test their values:

||double  accuracy  =  1.0  *  predictionAndLabel.filter(new  Function<Tuple2<Double, 
 Double>,  Boolean>()  {
    @Override  public  Boolean  call(Tuple2<Double,  Double>  pl)  {
|||       |return pl._1().doubleValue() == pl._2().doubleValue();
  }).count()  /  test.count();|

The Java version accuracy is always 0.0. Scala code outputs the correct value 


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